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President:koichi Uno

Editor in chief:Shuai Liu,Hunan Normal University, China

Managing Editor:Gautam Srivastava, Brandon University, Canada

Associate Editor:

Ran Xu,Peking University Medical Information Center,China

Khan Muhammad,Sejong University,Republic of Korea

Yang Zhou,Jilin Normal University,China

Responsible Editor:

Shuai Liu,Hunan Normal University, China

Editor Staff:

Dr. G Thippa Reddy,Vellore Institute of Technology,India.

Dr. Mu-Yen Chen,National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan

Dr. Jerry Chun-Wei Lin,Western Norway University of Applied Sciences,Norway

Dr. Dawid Połap,Silesian University of Technology,Poland

Dr. Youcef Djenouri, SINTEF Digital, Norway

Dr. Behrouz Zolfaghari, Univesrity of Guelph, Canada

Dr. Marcin Woźniak, Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Dr. Senthil Kumar Mohan, Vellore Institute of Technology, India

Dr. Xiaochun Cheng, Middlesex University, United Kingdom

Dr. Yu-dong Zhang, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

 Dr. Hari Mohan Pandey, Edge Hill University, United Kingdom


Tsuruta Institute of Medical Science and Technology
502, 5-47-6, Tsukasa, WABI, Saitama, Japan
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Email: liushuai@hunnu.edu.cn
Website: http://jpciams.com
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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
Address:[502,5-47-6], Tsuyama, Tsukuba, Saitama, Japan TEL:008148-28809 fax:008148-28808 Japan,Email:jpciams@hotmail.com,2019-09-16