location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Jun No.3 > Application of Internet of Things in Agricultural Products Processing Technology and Equipment

2019 VOL.2 Jun No.3

  • Title: Application of Internet of Things in Agricultural Products Processing Technology and Equipment
  • Name: David Emmanuel
  • Company: Centennial College
  • Abstract:

    Internet of Things technology is a widely used Internet technology. It is applied to agricultural product processing technology and equipment, which is conducive to the optimization and upgrading of the entire industrial chain. In the current application of agricultural product processing technology and equipment, the scope of using Internet of Things technology is not very extensive, which is not conducive to the further improvement of agricultural product processing and equipment technology. For this reason, the application of Internet of Things technology in agricultural product processing technology and equipment is proposed. Relying on modern high-tech technology to optimize the industrial chain, build related models, and update the traditional algorithms. The experimental data shows that the proposed optimization of the Internet of Things technology in agricultural product processing technology and equipment is 36% higher than the conventional efficiency, and the service life is increased by 52%.

  • Keyword: Internet of Things; agricultural products; processing technology; improved design
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019030116
  • Citation form: David Emmanuel.Application of Internet of Things in Agricultural Products Processing Technology and Equipment[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 84-89.

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