location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Aug No.4 > Research on Adaptive Scheduling Method of Communication Resource Information in Internet of Things Environment

2019 VOL.2 Aug No.4

  • Title: Research on Adaptive Scheduling Method of Communication Resource Information in Internet of Things Environment
  • Name: Tommy Brown
  • Company: Queensland University of Technology
  • Abstract:

    The continuous expansion of information resources of communication resources under the Internet of Things environment has led to the problem of information management becoming one of the core issues of communication information integration. This paper proposes an adaptive scheduling method for communication resource information in the Internet of Things. Communication resource management based on GIS technology for database communication resource information sharing; then use three-level distributed database to establish IOT communication resource information upload and storage with obvious hierarchical relationship; The database synchronization mechanism is used to ensure that each database communication resource configuration is synchronized, and a network channel is established to increase the network load. Finally, based on the browser information, the communication resource is adaptively scheduled. The experimental data shows that compared with the traditional resource information scheduling method, the resource transmission speed of the designed communication resource information resource adaptive scheduling method is increased by 65%, and the information resource transmission matching rate is increased by 27%.

  • Keyword: Internet of Things; communication resources; adaptive; scheduling method;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019040125
  • Citation form: Tommy Brown.Research on Adaptive Scheduling Method of Communication Resource Information in Internet of Things Environment[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 37-42.

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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
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