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2019 VOL.2 Aug No.4

  • Title: Analysis on the Behavior Characteristics of Enterprise Financing Investment Risk Data
  • Name: Jawad Abouzied
  • Company: Adelaide University
  • Abstract:

    The existing technical means can not effectively determine the negative impact of horizontal and vertical data behavior risk on corporate financing investment income. In order to solve the above problems, the behavior characteristics of corporate financing investment risk data are analyzed. The risk factor set is determined and the SMFST index redundancy is selected in two steps to complete the enterprise financing investment risk coefficient evaluation. On this basis, through the time expenditure behavior and space overhead behavior calculation of investment risk data, the constraints between various data behavior characteristics are determined, and the behavior characteristics of enterprise financing investment risk data are analyzed. The results of design comparison experiments show that after applying the new investment risk data behavior characteristics analysis method, the negative impacts of horizontal and vertical data behavior risks on corporate financing investment are effectively suppressed.

  • Keyword: corporate finance; investment risk; data behavior characteristics; factor set; redundancy; time overhead; space overhead;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019040119
  • Citation form: Jawad Abouzied.Analysis on the Behavior Characteristics of Enterprise Financing Investment Risk Data[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 69-73.

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