location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Feb No.1 > A Traffic Flow Prediction Algorithm Using Deep Confidence Network Based on MapReduce Platform

2019 VOL.2 Feb No.1

  • Title: A Traffic Flow Prediction Algorithm Using Deep Confidence Network Based on MapReduce Platform
  • Name: Guanyu Yang, Yuexin Li
  • Company: China University of Petroleum
  • Abstract:

    A traffic flow prediction method using parallel deep learning is proposed. The method is based on MapReduce parallel computing framework, combined with deep belief network model and distributed memory computing structure, builds distributed memory environment, and establishes data fragmentation processing and multi-task scheduling mechanism. The deep confidence network model is used to train the model in the form of multiple parallel asynchronous parallel calculations, and the dropout method is used to prevent the model from over-fitting. The improved parallel deep confidence network model is used to learn traffic flow characteristics, and the SoftMax regression model is connected to the top of the network for traffic prediction. The experimental results show that the prediction accuracy and time complexity of the improved parallel deep confidence network model are better than the traditional prediction model in the actual traffic flow data prediction.

  • Keyword: Deep Learning; Traffic Flow Prediction; Restricted Boltzmann Machine Model; Distributed Memory Computing; Deep Confidence Networ
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019010127
  • Citation form: Guanyu Yang, Yuexin Li.A Traffic Flow Prediction Algorithm Using Deep Confidence Network Based on MapReduce Platform[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 7-13.

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