location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Aug No.4 > Research on Automatic Control Technology of Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Based on Artificial Intelligence

2019 VOL.2 Aug No.4

  • Title: Research on Automatic Control Technology of Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Based on Artificial Intelligence
  • Name: Yanlin Song , Xiaorong Zhang
  • Company: School of Electrical and New Energy, China Three Gorges Universi
  • Abstract:

    With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology on a global scale, it will affect the future development trend of the electrical industry to a large extent. According to the research on the automation control technology of air-conditioning equipment in shopping malls, the research on the automation control technology of low-voltage electrical equipment based on artificial intelligence is proposed. In the design of artificial intelligence low-voltage electrical equipment automation control technology, firstly, a brief overview of low-voltage electrical equipment automation control technology, through analysis of low-voltage electrical equipment automation control technology composition and use process, The air conditioning system based on fuzzy neural network is studied in detail. Using artificial intelligence to showcase the technical examples in the automation control of electrical equipment, study the automation energy-saving optimization countermeasures of air-conditioning equipment in shopping malls, and clarify the important management projects of air-conditioning active energy-saving and energy-saving, and commit to the important management projects of air-conditioning active energy-saving.

  • Keyword: Artificial Intelligence; Low Voltage Electrical; Automation Control; Technology;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019040114
  • Citation form: Yanlin Song , Xiaorong Zhang.Research on Automatic Control Technology of Low Voltage Electrical Equipment Based on Artificial Intelligence[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 93-99.

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