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2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5

  • Title: BIM-based artificial engineering integration method for building engineering database
  • Name: Yogeshwara Subramanian
  • Company: Vellore Institute of Technology
  • Abstract:

    In order to improve the construction engineering database system and meet the requirements of data processing and integration, a BIM-based construction engineering database artificial intelligence system integration research method was designed. In-depth analysis of the role of artificial intelligence integration method in the construction engineering database system, based on this to further explore the effectiveness of BIM-based construction engineering database artificial intelligence integration method. The experimental verification shows that the BIM-based artificial engineering integration method of building engineering database is more conducive to further improve the efficiency of construction engineering, effectively reduce the design period of building engineering, realize the optimal design of building engineering, and its integration efficiency is about 30% higher than the traditional integration method.

  • Keyword: BIM; architectural engineering; artificial intelligence; database; design optimization;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019050557
  • Citation form: Yogeshwara Subramanian.BIM-based artificial engineering integration method for building engineering database[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 15-20.

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