location:Home > 2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5 > Research on environmental art design based on the concept of slow design

2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5

  • Title: Research on environmental art design based on the concept of slow design
  • Name: Yanbin Li, Qiwen Yan, Guang Lei
  • Company: Shenyang Ligong University Art and Design College
  • Abstract:

    On the one hand, the emergence of the concept of slow design and slow life design stems from the acceleration of people's life rhythm caused by the continuous growth of its economy and the deepening of the global modernization process, which is in terms of the "fast" culture relative to the "slow" culture."Quick" culture has a complicated history background, the development of the post-war world economy to "fast" as the benchmark, high speed development in economy, technology and policy, under the help of the world is entering the "economy" era, then a series on "economy", in the service of "way of life of fast rhythm" fast food culture, fast food, fast food, fast food newspapers such as "fast food" culture arises at the historic moment, "fast" way of life and the emergence of "fast food" culture has many advantages and disadvantages, first "way of life of fast rhythm" need "fast food" culture, second, "fast economy" based on principles of consumerism, Excessive pursuit of economic benefits, do not pay attention to the connotation and quality of industrial products, do not have green, environmental protection and human characteristics, and even lead to cultural loss and cultural nihilism.On the other hand, the design concept of slow design and slow life comes from the homogenization of design caused by the modernism design since the 1920s and 1930s. The historical context is separated, and the design lacks the regional and national characteristics as well as the humanized and humanized design. This is the slow design and life concept of two big reasons, its main task is: on the one hand, to alleviate social environment in a fast paced modern aspects of social pressure, on the other hand is for the design of cultural connotation, to inject more can better reflect national characteristics and regional culture, with the milk of human kindness and humanistic care.

    Based on the slow design principle and the "slow down, life attentively" ideal living space environment art design practice, first of all, the design of the origin and theoretical principles of slow design back analysis, in the slow design principle and its cultural background on the basis of fully interpreted and grasp will slow design principles combined with residential design, from the two aspects of theory and practice, from the multidimensional and multifaceted, in order to design a good suit slow final design principles of interior space environment.

  • Keyword: Slow design; Residential space; Environmental art design;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019050551
  • Citation form: Yanbin Li, Qiwen Yan, Guang Lei.Research on environmental art design based on the concept of slow design[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 48-54.

Slow Design Under the Influence of Oriental Aesthetics and the Concept of Slow Life, Hui hui Dong, 2019- Atlantis Press.

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