location:Home > 2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5 > How to get rid of consumption alienation and promote personal development

2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5

  • Title: How to get rid of consumption alienation and promote personal development
  • Name: Huimin Li
  • Company: Zhoukou Normal University
  • Abstract:

    Consumption dissimilation is a special relationship between subject and object, which is a special form of consumption in the social stage of material dependence. It leads to the loss of the essential power of the subject and deviates from the goal of personal development. Getting rid of consumption alienation is conducive to establishing correct consumption consciousness and guiding consumption activities to the right direction.

  • Keyword: Consumption; Consumption alienation; Personal development
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019050549
  • Citation form: Huimin Li.How to get rid of consumption alienation and promote personal development[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 55-57.

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