location:Home > 2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5 > Design of Biomedical Signal Automatic Acquisition System Based on Big Data Analysis

2019 Vol.2 Oct. No.5

  • Title: Design of Biomedical Signal Automatic Acquisition System Based on Big Data Analysis
  • Name: Yunbyeong Ivan
  • Company: Andong National University
  • Abstract:

    When the traditional biomedical signal automatic acquisition system collects signals, there is a lack of accuracy. Therefore, the design of biomedical signal automatic acquisition system based on big data analysis is proposed. Introduce big data technology, build biomedical signal automatic acquisition system, realize the design of biomedical signal automatic acquisition system; rely on biomedical signal automatic acquisition system, embed signal acquisition process, realize automatic signal acquisition. The experimental data shows that the proposed big data biomedical signal automatic acquisition system is 96.3% more accurate than the traditional system, and is suitable for different biomedical signal acquisition systems.

  • Keyword: Biomedical; Automatic Signal Acquisition; System Design;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019050540
  • Citation form: Yunbyeong Ivan.Design of Biomedical Signal Automatic Acquisition System Based on Big Data Analysis[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 106-111.

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