location:Home > 2019 VOL.2 Feb No.1 > Based on large sample data analysis of financial information parallel computing method research

2019 VOL.2 Feb No.1

  • Title: Based on large sample data analysis of financial information parallel computing method research
  • Name: Na Cai
  • Company: Shanghai Wenhua Financial Information Consultative Co., Ltd,Shan
  • Abstract:

    Traditional financial information is present in the study of the sample parallel computation method for analyzing low precision disadvantages. This paper presents the financial information sample parallel computing method based on big data. The introduction of large data technology, the design method for parallel computing, to achieve financial model building is large sample; sample information determining algorithm, based on a sample-computing model is embedded, the sample parallel computing financial information. The experimental data shows that the proposed parallel computing method for big data financial sample information not only greatly improves the analysis accuracy, but also increases the application scope and usage dimension of financial sample information.

  • Keyword: sample data; parallel computing; detection method; experimental data;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019010118
  • Citation form: Na Cai.Based on large sample data analysis of financial information parallel computing method research[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 56-60.

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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
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