location:Home > 2019 Vol.2 Dec. No.6 > Simulation Study on Pedestrian Road Planning in Ancient Building Groups under Cloud Computing Environment

2019 Vol.2 Dec. No.6

  • Title: Simulation Study on Pedestrian Road Planning in Ancient Building Groups under Cloud Computing Environment
  • Name: Asakura Tomomi
  • Company: Tsukuba University
  • Abstract:

    In order to systematically guide the traffic organization in the area of ancient buildings, this paper proposes a simulation study on the pedestrian road planning of ancient buildings in the cloud computing environment. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of pedestrian roads, a cloud computing environment road planning simulation model is established. Using the cloud computing environment to determine the maximum number of people on the road, the simulation software LEGION is used to set the structure and parameters of the model, and the road planning deduction is carried out in the simulator to realize the design of the road planning simulation model. Through the method of experimental argumentation and analysis, the validity of the road planning simulation model of cloud computing environment can be determined, and the order planning of pedestrians' roads can be improved.

  • Keyword: Cloud Computing Environment; Ancient Building Group Area; Road Planning; Simulation Model;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019060650
  • Citation form: Asakura Tomomi.Simulation Study on Pedestrian Road Planning in Ancient Building Groups under Cloud Computing Environment[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 136-142.

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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
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