location:Home > 2019 Vol.2 Dec. No.6 > Application of artificial intelligence in quality test of vibratory forest fruit harvesting machinery

2019 Vol.2 Dec. No.6

  • Title: Application of artificial intelligence in quality test of vibratory forest fruit harvesting machinery
  • Name: Kawasaki Hiroko
  • Company: Mejiro University
  • Abstract:

    Harvesting is an important part of forest fruit production. In order to improve the harvesting efficiency of forest fruits and reduce the cost of harvesting, in view of the small working space under the dwarfing and dense planting mode in China, artificial intelligence technology is applied to the vibratory forest fruit harvesting machinery operation. Analyzed the theoretical analysis of the application of artificial intelligence technology; studied the equipment requirements of artificial intelligence in vibratory forest fruit harvesting machinery operation. Based on this, the system application process of artificial intelligence in fruit forest harvesting machinery operations was explored in depth, and the work was carried out in the practice of machinery operations, and its recovery ratio was detected to be 90% to 95%. It has been proved through experiments that the net recovery ratio is 36% higher than that of the traditional vibratory forest fruit harvesting technology.

  • Keyword: Artificial Intelligence; Forest Fruit Harvesting; Mechanical Operation; Vibration; Working Principle;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2019060646
  • Citation form: Kawasaki Hiroko.Application of artificial intelligence in quality test of vibratory forest fruit harvesting machinery[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2019, vol. 2, pp. 84-90.

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