location:Home > 2020 Vol.3 Apr. No.2 > Intelligent parallel data encryption algorithm for network communication of CT mechanical scanning information publishing termin

2020 Vol.3 Apr. No.2

  • Title: Intelligent parallel data encryption algorithm for network communication of CT mechanical scanning information publishing termin
  • Name: Du Hui
  • Company: School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering,Zaozhuang Univer
  • Abstract:

    The traditional algorithm does not take account of the authentication problem of terminal and server. It has poor security, heavy computation of encryption or decryption, and low efficiency. To address these problems, a new intelligent encryption algorithm for network communication parallel data of information release terminal is proposed in this paper. After users’ registration, the registered ID, user password, and two random numbers are entered. The first authentication data is obtained by calculating and then transferred through a secure channel to the server for the first authentication. After the success of the identity authentication in the information release terminal and the server, the user of the information release terminal obtains the release authority. Self-inverse key matrix is generated with MapReduce parallel mechanism. Source release information data file is divided into blocks in the communication process, and each block is encrypted with key matrix. After dividing the plaintext matrix and the key matrix, the plaintext is encrypted according to the Hill encryption principle. After obtaining the ciphertext and key matrix, the plaintext is decrypted according to the principle of Hill decryption principle. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has high security and efficiency.

  • Keyword: Information release terminal; network communication; parallel; data encryption
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020020217
  • Citation form: Du Hui.Intelligent parallel data encryption algorithm for network communication of CT mechanical scanning information publishing termin[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 7-17.

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