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2020 Vol.3 Apr. No.2

  • Title: Research on improved quantum encryption algorithm of CT mechanical scanning image in multimedia network
  • Name: Guoping Zhang
  • Company: College of computer,Pingdingshan University,Pingdingshan
  • Abstract:

    The images in the multimedia network always have high redundancy, large amount of data and strong correlation between pixels. The current image encryption methods do not take into account the characteristics of the images, the key can’t be reused and the algorithm require for higher hardware resources, even though the security is very low. Therefore, this paper presents an improved algorithm for image quantum encryption and analyzed the classic image encryption method. Considering the disadvantages of the classical encryption method, we improve it by the quantum encryption method. Introduced the physical basis of key generation and distribution in image quantum encryption, analyzed the single particle key distribution algorithm and the two particle entangled state key distribution algorithm. Judged whether there is an effective way of intercepting by using two key distribution algorithms, which could make the communicating parties complete key negotiation by using the unreliable channels, make sure that the key is absolutely safe, ensure the security of the image. The experimental results show that the proposed method has high encryption performance, and the security and the ability to resist differential attacks are also very high.

  • Keyword: Multimedia network; Image; Quantum cryptography; Improvement;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020020219
  • Citation form: Guoping Zhang.Research on improved quantum encryption algorithm of CT mechanical scanning image in multimedia network[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 53-67.

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