location:Home > 2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3 > Research on blind processing optimization algorithm for high frequency signal of electrocardiographic capacitance sensor

2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3

  • Title: Research on blind processing optimization algorithm for high frequency signal of electrocardiographic capacitance sensor
  • Name: Xiao-fei Li
  • Company: Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology
  • Abstract:

    At present, the high frequency signal processing algorithm of capacitive sensor based on RBF has the problems of poor filtering effect and high level of signal detection and poor quality of signal separation. In this paper, an optimization algorithm for blind processing of high frequency signal of capacitive sensor is proposed. Based on the gradient method, and the calculation way of improved variance gradient estimation, the gradient of square single- error sample is taken as the estimation of mean square error to filter the capacitive sensor signal, and adjust the filtering step by adjusting the threshold, which can enhance the filtering effect of the sensor signal;The detection threshold is calculated by determining the false alarm probability. The decision condition is used to detect the target signal and get the high accuracy sensor signal. The initialization separation matrix is set according to the number of observation signals, and the correlation matrix of the source signal can be calculated, so as to achieve the efficient separation of high frequency signals. The experiment shows that the algorithm can effectively solve the problems existing in the current signal processing algorithm, and it is reliable.

  • Keyword: capacitive sensor; high frequency signal; blind processing;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020030100
  • Citation form: Xiao-fei Li.Research on blind processing optimization algorithm for high frequency signal of electrocardiographic capacitance sensor[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 1-10.

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Tsuruta Institute of Medical Information Technology
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