location:Home > 2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3 > Research on 3D reconstruction method of diagnostic instrument image based on virtual reality

2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3

  • Title: Research on 3D reconstruction method of diagnostic instrument image based on virtual reality
  • Name: Zi-yuan Li
  • Company: College of Computer Engineering, Jiangsu University of Technolog
  • Abstract:

    In the research and development of forest resource management information visualization, the virtual forest environment provides very important technical support. Therefore, this paper proposes to use virtual reality technology to achieve three-dimensional reconstruction of forest landscape, so as to manage forest resources more effectively. Firstly, the internal parameters of the camera are calibrated, and the improved Canny operator is used to obtain the complete forest landscape image edge information. The SIFT algorithm is used to extract the corner points of green plant images on both sides of the highway, and some pseudo feature points are eliminated. The digital elevation model is used to superimpose the ground texture image theory to establish a three-dimensional forest terrain, and the objective surface morphological feature points in a certain region are approximated by using known actual scene sample points. The DEM spatial interpolation method is used to determine the forest boundary edge according to the grid point elevation value of a certain requirement. At the same time, the texture feature method is used to map the surface feature information of the scene in the drawn model. Secondly, based on the three-dimensional forest terrain model established in the previous section, the Forstner operator image feature extraction principle and the edge detection principle are combined with the image information extraction of the actual forest landscape. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the forest landscape based on the actual scene is realized by matching the forest landscape image feature points, the image edges and the three-dimensional forest terrain model. Experiments show that the three-dimensional reconstruction of virtual forests provides reliable data support for forest resource management.

  • Keyword: Virtual technology; Forest landscape; 3D reconstruction; DEM spatial interpolation
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020030106
  • Citation form: Zi-yuan Li.Research on 3D reconstruction method of diagnostic instrument image based on virtual reality[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 11-18.

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