location:Home > 2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3 > Face Image Denoising Based on Sharp Frequency Localization Contourlet

2020 Vol.3 Jun. No.3

  • Title: Face Image Denoising Based on Sharp Frequency Localization Contourlet
  • Name: Zhang chi
  • Company: Department of Computer, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, Ch
  • Abstract:

    Face Image denoising is very important in to image processing, howerver, conventional thresholding shrinkage for denoising is designed with assumption that the coefficients in transformation domain are independent.  In this paper, we proposed a novel method for face image denoising by exploring the dependencies among the coefficients. The method considered three corresponding coefficients, including the noisy coefficient, its parent coefficient and its neighbor coefficient based on the Sharp Frequency Localization Contourlet, and established a trivariate distribution model to estimate the latent coefficient. Furthermore, the shrinkage function in model is derived under the Bayesian framework. The experiment results showed that the performance of proposed method outperformed the current denoising method.

  • Keyword: Face image; Contourlet; Image denoising; Statistical distribution; Shrinkage function;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020030108
  • Citation form: Zhang chi.Face Image Denoising Based on Sharp Frequency Localization Contourlet[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 123-127.

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