location:Home > 2020 Vol.3 Aug. No.4 > Research on modeling of electric heating and cooling system of integrated energy system in coastal area of China

2020 Vol.3 Aug. No.4

  • Title: Research on modeling of electric heating and cooling system of integrated energy system in coastal area of China
  • Name: Thippa Reddy Gadekallu
  • Company: School of Information Technology and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, India, POSTCODE
  • Abstract:

    In the traditional modeling method of integrated energy system, the investment of energy storage equipment is not taken into account, which leads to excessive configuration of system components and large load loss. Therefore, a modeling method of integrated energy system in coastal areas is designed. Firstly, the physical modeling of the electric heating and cooling system of the integrated energy system is carried out, which mainly includes power network, natural gas network, distributed energy station and the planning of hot water pipe network. The purpose is to improve the energy utilization rate on the premise of meeting the demand of the user load center. The independent modeling of each equipment in the electric heating and cooling system is completed, mainly including gas turbine photovoltaic power supply, battery waste heat recovery unit, electric refrigeration compressor, absorption chiller, gas boiler and waste heat boiler equipment. Focusing on the design of energy storage equipment investment model and balancing the configuration of each component, The planning of the electric heating and cooling system through the established model is completed. The simulation results show that the model designed in this paper has less power loss, and the overall layout is relatively reasonable, which will not cause a waste of resources.

  • Keyword: System modeling; Energy storage investment; Electric heating and cooling system
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2020040408
  • Citation form: Thippa Reddy Gadekallu.Research on modeling of electric heating and cooling system of integrated energy system in coastal area of China[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 73-83.

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