location:Home > 2021 Vol.4 Mar.No.1 > Development and application of data structure teaching resources based on Python

2021 Vol.4 Mar.No.1

  • Title: Development and application of data structure teaching resources based on Python
  • Name: Liu Wei,Lu Xinghua
  • Company: a.Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 511400, China;
  • Abstract:

    This paper studies the poor effect of the development and utilization of teaching resources, and puts forward the development and application method of data structure teaching resources based on python. Build the python data structure teaching information management platform, optimize the functional structure of the platform, and search and divide the teaching resources through semantic retrieval, so as to improve the quality of the development and application of data structure teaching resources. Finally, the experiment proves that the development and application method of data structure teaching resources based on Python has high use value, It can better manage the massive teaching resources effectively and fully meet the research requirements.


  • Keyword: python; data structure; teaching resources; resource development
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090110
  • Citation form: Liu Wei.Development and application of data structure teaching resources based on Python [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.47-53

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