location:Home > 2021 Vol.4 Mar.No.1 > Three dimensional layout method of multi-level historic district landscape based on three-dimensional texture element method

2021 Vol.4 Mar.No.1

  • Title: Three dimensional layout method of multi-level historic district landscape based on three-dimensional texture element method
  • Name: Jia Zhen, Dong Xiuming
  • Company: School of architecture, Inner Mongolia University of technology, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 010051, China
  • Abstract:

    When modeling the three-dimensional layout of landscape, it is easy to form texture position conflict, which leads to the spatial openness beyond the optimal range. Therefore, a multi-level three-dimensional layout method of historical block landscape based on three-dimensional texture element method is proposed. The boundary space of multi-level historical block is determined, and the appearance space is used to synthesize the landscape surface feature texture. According to the synthetic texture, the texture element mapping is constructed and the element distribution is set to remove the texture with position conflict. The three-dimensional layout of landscape is designed based on three-dimensional texture element method to control the stretch and distortion of texture elements. The experimental results show that the openness of the design method is in the optimal range of 5% - 8%, which is better than the three-dimensional layout method based on parametric model and landscape heterogeneity, and is conducive to the formation of high-quality block landscape space.


  • Keyword: three dimensional texture element method; multi level; historic district; scenery; three dimensional layout; landscape layout
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090113
  • Citation form: Jia Zhen.Three dimensional layout method of multi-level historic district landscape based on three-dimensional texture element method[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.23-28

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