location:Home > 2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2 > Research on fast prediction method of whole life cycle project cost based on Internet of things technology

2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2

  • Title: Research on fast prediction method of whole life cycle project cost based on Internet of things technology
  • Name: Zheng Liu
  • Company: China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.15 Research Institute
  • Abstract:

    Limited by the accuracy of the initial data of the project cost, the traditional project cost prediction method has the problem of large prediction error and time-consuming. Therefore, the Internet of Things technology is applied to the prediction method to realize the rapid prediction method of the whole life cycle project cost Optimize the design. Build an Internet of Things environment and use the Internet of Things technology to collect historical engineering data, divide the entire life cycle of the project, and calculate the project cost based on the division results. By analyzing the influencing factors of the project cost, the prediction index is determined, and the collected initial data is substituted into it, and the final fast prediction result of the whole life cycle project cost is obtained. Compared with the traditional prediction methods, it can be found that the design prediction method has more advantages in prediction accuracy and prediction speed.


  • Keyword: Internet of Things technology; Full life cycle; Project cost; Rapid prediction;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090220
  • Citation form: Zheng Liu.Research on fast prediction method of whole life cycle project cost based on Internet of things technology[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.1-6.


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