location:Home > 2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2 > Spatial data collection method of ecological environment based on cluster analysis technology

2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2

  • Title: Spatial data collection method of ecological environment based on cluster analysis technology
  • Name: Zheng Xu ,Chengzhao Wu
  • Company: College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
  • Abstract:

    In order to better ensure the good development of ecological environment and accurately identify the spatial data of ecological environment, an ecological environment spatial data acquisition method based on cluster analysis technology is proposed. Combined with cluster analysis technology, the characteristics of ecological environment spatial data are identified, the environmental data are collected, the index evaluation system is constructed, and the index evaluation algorithm is optimized, Realize the collection, identification and data management of scientific and technological data of ecological environment. Finally, experiments show that the ecological environment spatial data acquisition method based on cluster analysis technology has significantly higher acquisition accuracy and higher effectiveness.


  • Keyword: cluster analysis; Ecological environment; Data acquisition
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090223
  • Citation form: Zheng Xu.Spatial data collection method of ecological environment based on cluster analysis technology[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.20-28


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