location:Home > 2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2 > Mining of Experiential Sports Marketing Based on Cloud Computing Techniques

2021 Vol.4 Jun.No.2

  • Title: Mining of Experiential Sports Marketing Based on Cloud Computing Techniques
  • Name: Jerry Chun,Wei Lin
  • Company: Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
  • Abstract:

    Traditional data mining uses a serial mechanism with a single machine, which has a long execution time and low efficiency in handling large amounts of data. Therefore, a cloud computing-based data mining algorithm is proposed for sports marketing applications. First, we design the marketing data warehouse, use the snowflake model to complete the modeling of the warehouse, and design the dimensions of the fact table of the marketing data warehouse. The HDFS platform with cloud computing technology is used to store the massive data, and the MapReduce model is used to process the algorithm in parallel. Simulation experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has shorter execution time, higher speedup and better utilization ratio than the traditional algorithm.


  • Keyword: Cloud computing; Data mining; Parallel algorithm; HDFS.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090225
  • Citation form: Jerry Chun.Mining of Experiential Sports Marketing Based on Cloud Computing Techniques[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.37-45.


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