location:Home > 2021.Vol4.Sep.NO3 > Concurrent Control Algorithm for Large-scale Remote Multi-user Information Management System


  • Title: Concurrent Control Algorithm for Large-scale Remote Multi-user Information Management System
  • Name: Zheng Liu
  • Company: China Electronics Technology Group Corporation No.15 Research Institute, Beijing 100083 China
  • Abstract:

    When the current concurrency control algorithm is used to control of the multi-user information management system, the system’s channel transmission capability is low, and the time it takes is long. In this paper, a concurrency control algorithm for large-scale remote multi-user information management system is proposed. According to the average use rate of the large-scale remote multi-user information management system, the concurrency control structure and state of the system are analyzed and judged; Through the analysis of the results, the delay of data link layer in multi-user information management system is carried out modeling; Combined with the queuing delay and accessing delay, the large-scale remote multi-user information management system control can be realized. Experimental results show that the channel utilization rate of the proposed algorithm is over 98.3%, which can transmit large amounts of information in a relatively short time and concurrency control of information management system. Therefore, the proposed algorithm has high channel utilization and efficiency of information transmission.

  • Keyword: Remote; Information Management System; Delay; Concurrency Control.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090300
  • Citation form: Zheng Liu.Concurrent Control Algorithm for Large-scale Remote Multi-user Information Management System [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp1-6

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