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  • Title: Estimation of channel time-varying characteristics in atmospheric laser communication
  • Name: Giridhar Reddy Bojja
  • Company: Department of Business information Systems, Dakota State University, USA
  • Abstract:

    The absorption and scattering of the laser during transmission under the influence of sand and dust in the atmospheric environment lead to the attenuation, delay and broadening of the laser pulse signal, which reduces the performance of the atmospheric laser communication system. Aiming at this problem, the method of channel time-varying feature estimation in atmospheric laser communication is studied. Based on the structure of the sending end and receiving end of the atmospheric laser communication system, the channel characteristics of atmospheric laser communication are analyzed. Meanwhile, the channel time-varying state space model is constructed to obtain the system channel state and observation values. The time-varying ARMA (p,q) model was constructed according to the observed values by the time-varying ARMA model spectrum estimation method. A series of basis functions were used to describe the time-varying coefficients in the time-varying ARMA model by linear weighting. The time-varying ARMA model evolution spectrum estimation was conducted according to the time-varying coefficients to obtain the time-varying characteristics of the channel. The simulation results show that this method can eliminate the interference of negative power spectrum value and cross term, has the advantage of time-frequency aggregation, is conducive to the estimation of time-varying characteristics of channel, and can improve the performance of symbol detection at the receiving end of atmospheric laser communication system.

  • Keyword: Atmosphere; Laser communication; Channel; Time-varying characteristics; Observations; Spectrum estimation
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090304
  • Citation form: Giridhar Reddy Bojja.Estimation of channel time-varying characteristics in atmospheric laser communication [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.18-21


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