location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 March.No1 > Student Career Tracking System and Predictive Analytics with Decision

2022 Vol.5 March.No1

  • Title: Student Career Tracking System and Predictive Analytics with Decision
  • Name: Guo Yuxiu
  • Company: Department of Physics and Information Engineering, Cangzhou Normal University
  • Abstract:

     In view of the confusion of students' career planning, this paper puts forward students' career tracking system and prediction analysis and decision-making, constructs a scientific and reasonable students' career tracking system based on the demand characteristics of social talents, and constructs students' career prediction and evaluation indexes and evaluation algorithms according to students' Professional and technical ability and psychological change characteristics. Based on the calculation results, Scientific and reasonable guidance to carry out students' career planning. 

  • Keyword: Student;Career Tracking;Career Predictive Analytics
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090400
  • Citation form: Guo Yuxiu.Student Career Tracking System and Predictive Analytics with Decision [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.1-9


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