location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 March.No1 > Research on the construction of higher education evaluation system from the perspective of Internet plus

2022 Vol.5 March.No1

  • Title: Research on the construction of higher education evaluation system from the perspective of Internet plus
  • Name: Lei Han
  • Company: Department of primary education, Yuzhang Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330103 China
  • Abstract:

    Applying big data technology to higher education evaluation system can change the concept of higher education evaluation system, improve the breadth and validity of evaluation, enrich the participants of education evaluation, and promote the realization of scientific education decision-making. In order to build an evaluation system based on big data, colleges and universities should scientifically collect multi module educational data, form educational data analysis methods according to teaching needs, combine goal management with process monitoring, create data assessment and feedback mechanism, and apply improvement measures for the big data evaluation system itself. Colleges and universities should provide technical, organizational and talent guarantee for the construction of big data education evaluation system.

  • Keyword: Internet plus; Higher education; Educational evaluation
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2021090401
  • Citation form: Lei Han.Research on the construction of higher education evaluation system from the perspective of Internet plus [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2021,Vol.4,pp.10-17


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