location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Jun.No2 > Location planning of ship logistics distribution center considering time window

2022 Vol.5 Jun.No2

  • Title: Location planning of ship logistics distribution center considering time window
  • Name: Thomas Michely
  • Company: California American University,USA
  • Abstract:

    Because the present method does not consider the distribution time constraint, it has the problem that the total cost of ship logistics distribution center is high, so it puts forward the method of site selection planning of ship logistics distribution center with time window. Based on bi-level programming theory to build the ship logistics distribution center location two-layer model, and calculate the model expression, and on this basis, the time window restraint, punishing function distribution, through genetic algorithm shipping logistics distribution center location two-layer model, model to the overall optimal solution, so as to realize the planning of logistics distribution center location of the ship. The experimental example includes 2 port cargo yards, 5 ship logistics distribution centers and 4 customer demand locations. The experimental results show that, compared with the existing methods, the total cost of the proposed method distribution center is lower under the condition of the same customer demand, which fully indicates that the proposed method has better planning effect.

  • Keyword: Time window; Logistics; Distribution center; The location;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090110
  • Citation form: Thomas Michely.Location planning of ship logistics distribution center considering time window [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.55-57

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