location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3 > Research on the Quality Improvement Path of Undergraduate Thesis under the Background of Integration of Production and Education

2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3

  • Title: Research on the Quality Improvement Path of Undergraduate Thesis under the Background of Integration of Production and Education
  • Name: CHEN Feiya,CHEN Jing
  • Company: Zhengzhou Sias University, Zhengzhou Henan,451100 China
  • Abstract:

    Undergraduate graduation thesis is the concentrated expression of students' four-year learning results, an important means to test students' ability to solve practical problems with the knowledge they have learned, and is related to the quality of talent training in colleges and universities. This paper takes the engineering major of Zhengzhou Sias University as an example. Through investigation and analysis, it is found that the problems of engineering graduation thesis are mainly concentrated in four aspects:the lack of students' time investment, the topic which is divorced from social reality,the lack of in-depth research and the lack of professional guidance.Combined with the background of the integration of production and education,  a plan for improving the quality of engineering undergraduate thesis is proposed, and the implementation path of each link is clarified based on the actual teaching situation of Zhengzhou Sias University, so as to clarify the ideas for improving the quality of graduation thesis, and provide reference  for other colleges and universities.

  • Keyword: Integration of production and education; Engineering major; the quality of undergraduate thesis; Improvement path
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090201
  • Citation form: CHEN Feiya,CHEN Jing.Research on the Quality Improvement Path of Undergraduate Thesis under the Background of Integration of Production and Education ——Taking Zhengzhou Sias University as an Example [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,202


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