location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3 > An Introduction to Linguistics Overturns Classroom Teaching Reform and Practice

2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3

  • Title: An Introduction to Linguistics Overturns Classroom Teaching Reform and Practice
  • Name: Gong Shao
  • Company: University Of Sanya,School Of Humanities And Communication HaiNan SanYa 572022,China
  • Abstract:

    By flipping the control of learning to students, to get more focus, autonomy, personality, real learning, teachers and students get a deeper exchange. In this paper, "Introduction to Linguistics" overturns the classroom teaching reform mainly from the teaching content, teaching methods and assessment methods of three aspects. Taking the students as the center, we should strengthen the combination of theory and practice, strengthen the practice teaching, and improve the students' comprehensive quality.

  • Keyword: Introduction to linguistics; Reversal classroom; Teaching reform
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090202
  • Citation form: Gong Shao.An Introduction to Linguistics Overturns Classroom Teaching Reform and Practice[J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.13-15


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