location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3 > Research on the evaluation of Hybrid Teaching Reform Based on Hidden Markov

2022 Vol.5 Sep.No3

  • Title: Research on the evaluation of Hybrid Teaching Reform Based on Hidden Markov
  • Name: Sugita Heji
  • Company: Hetian Technology Research Institute,JP
  • Abstract:

    In view of the current poor effect of hybrid teaching evaluation, this paper puts forward a hybrid teaching reform evaluation method based on Hidden Markov model. First, it explores the impact indicators of hybrid curriculum teaching evaluation, divides the influence grades of the factors that should be first in teaching, improves the hybrid curriculum teaching evaluation system, and optimizes the hybrid teaching reform evaluation algorithm combined with hidden Markov model. Finally, it is confirmed by experiments, The hybrid teaching reform evaluation method based on Hidden Markov has high accuracy, and the evaluation time is significantly shortened, which fully meets the research requirements.

  • Keyword: Hidden Markov; Mixed teaching; Teaching evaluation
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090213
  • Citation form: Sugita Heji.Research on the evaluation of Hybrid Teaching Reform Based on Hidden Markov [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.57-64


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