location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4 > Application of Big Data Statistics Technology in Modern Economy and Management

2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4

  • Title: Application of Big Data Statistics Technology in Modern Economy and Management
  • Name: Xiaosu Feng1,Cheng Chen2,Pengcheng Cao3
  • Company: (1.President's Office, Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,333000,China; 2.dean's office, Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,333000,China; 3.Students' Affairs Office,Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Ji
  • Abstract:

    The statistical analysis technology of big data technology can find the law of economic development in many data by sorting out, statistics and analysis of a large number of data, and provide significant basis for economic management. This paper first analyzes the importance and significance of big data statistical technology in modern economy and management, then points out the application of big data technology in modern economy and management, and finally puts forward the application strategy of big data statistical technology in modern economy and management.

  • Keyword: Big data technology; Data statistics; Modern economy and management;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090506
  • Citation form: Xiaosu Feng.Application of Big Data Statistics Technology in Modern Economy and Management [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.26-29

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