location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4 > Automatic Test Paper Generation Online Examination System Based on Test Site Knowledge Map

2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4

  • Title: Automatic Test Paper Generation Online Examination System Based on Test Site Knowledge Map
  • Name: Jun Luo1,Pengcheng Cao2,Cheng Chen3
  • Company: (1.College of Engineering, Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,333000,China; 2.Students' Affairs Office, Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,333000,China; 3.dean's office, Jingdezhen Vocational University of A
  • Abstract:

    Aiming at the problem that the retrieval efficiency of the current online examination system is low, resulting in the long time of generating test papers, an automatic online examination system based on the knowledge map of test sites is designed. In the hardware part, the bottom module and the upper module are divided into blocks. Each level module carries out data interaction through the reserved peripheral interface to control the high and low levels of SDA and SCL to realize data communication. In the software part, the test site knowledge map is applied to the resource search engine, and the entity test questions corresponding to the triplet with the highest correlation are selected as the search results. The genetic algorithm is used to establish the automatic test paper generation model and calculate the fitness function. The fitness value of the individual test paper can reach the preset value, and the test paper is generated while stopping the iteration. The test results show that the online examination system based on the knowledge map of the examination site can shorten the test paper generation time and greatly improve the test paper generation efficiency.

  • Keyword: system design; test site; knowledge atlas; automatic test paper generation; online examination; examination system;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090507
  • Citation form: Jun Luo.Automatic Test Paper Generation Online Examination System Based on Test Site Knowledge Map [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.30-34

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