location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4 > 3D Forward Mapping of Power Grid Engineering with Integrated Deep Autoencoder

2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4

  • Title: 3D Forward Mapping of Power Grid Engineering with Integrated Deep Autoencoder
  • Name: Adams Kelvin
  • Company: International American University,USA
  • Abstract:

     In order to improve the 3D forward mapping effect of power grid engineering, a 3D forward mapping method for power grid engineering based on integrated deep autoencoder was designed. Construct the data similarity matrix, use the encoder to extract the feature information from the input data, optimize the learning through the self-supervision mechanism to obtain the joint features of the data, use the deep auto-encoder to cluster the grid information, obtain the position encoding of the data points, and use the self-attention flag. The encoding layer of the relative position is processed, and the code stream is formed after encoding, and then the decoder is decoded at the decoding terminal. The loss function is used to measure the difference between the input data and the output data. After the measurement, the object list is planned and the equipment list is generated. List making model, carry out collaborative design, and realize 3D forward drawing of power grid engineering with integrated deep auto-encoder. The experimental results show that the proposed method can accurately draw power grid engineering images, and the deviation between the number of scenes returned and the actual number of scenes is small, and the drawing efficiency is also high, which effectively improves the three-dimensional forward drawing effect of power grid engineering.

  • Keyword: integrated deep autoencoder; power grid engineering; 3D forward mapping; decoding; labeling; clustering;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090516
  • Citation form: Adams Kelvin.3D Forward Mapping of Power Grid Engineering with Integrated Deep Autoencoder [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.68-70


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