location:Home > 2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4 > Corpus-based personalised delivery of online English teaching resources

2022 Vol.5 Dec.No4

  • Title: Corpus-based personalised delivery of online English teaching resources
  • Name: Gao Shuang
  • Company: Bohai University, School of Educational Sciences Jinzhou 121000, China
  • Abstract:

    A corpus-based personalized push method for English online teaching resources is designed to solve the problem of low coverage of the corpus. Identifying the performance characteristics of online English teaching resources, randomly combining raw input sequences to obtain contextual bi-directional information, extracting user preferences based on the corpus, measuring the similarity between test questions, and designing personalised push methods. Experimental results: The mean value of the coverage rate of the designed personalised push method for English online teaching resources was: 68.479%, which was 9.337% and 5.032% higher than the coverage rates of the other two personalised push methods for English online teaching resources, indicating that the designed personalised push method for English online teaching resources was more effective based on the combination of the corpus.

  • Keyword: corpus; online teaching resources; English; personalised push; user preferences; corpus files;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2022090519
  • Citation form: Gao Shuang.Corpus-based personalised delivery of online English teaching resources [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2022,Vol.5,pp.81-85

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