location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1 > Research and implementation of a knowledge graph-based job recommendation system

2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1

  • Title: Research and implementation of a knowledge graph-based job recommendation system
  • Name: Chao Chen 1,2,Xuhui Dou1,Jiankai Zhang1,Qi Wu1
  • Company: 1.Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology, xuzhou jiangsu 221116, China; 2.Jiangsu Intelligent Visual Recognition and Data Mining Engineering Research Center,xuzhou jiangsu 221116, China;
  • Abstract:

    The current traditional job recommendation algorithm mainly relies on a large number of user-job interaction behaviors to achieve recommendations, and the recommendation results depend on the user interaction matrix, while the lack of calculation of user behavior and job similarity leads to poor recommendation results. In this regard, a job recommendation system based on knowledge graph is proposed. A microcontroller is selected as the hardware device of the system. The knowledge graph about job resources is constructed, the job similarity is calculated and fused, and the recommendation list is generated. In the experiments, the proposed job recommendation system is validated for recommendation performance. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the system has a high recall rate and possesses a high accuracy of job recommendation when the proposed method is used for job recommendation.

  • Keyword: knowledge graph; job recommendation system; job similarity; similarity fusion.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090306
  • Citation form: Chao Chen .Research and implementation of a knowledge graph-based job recommendation system [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.20-24


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