location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1 > Online teaching platform design of logistics and transportation based on virtual simulation technology

2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1

  • Title: Online teaching platform design of logistics and transportation based on virtual simulation technology
  • Name: Wu Xiangfeng,Liu Hao
  • Company: Shandong Polytechnic ,Jinan , 250104 China
  • Abstract:

    The current traditional logistics and transportation online teaching platform is designed to realize the sharing of teaching resources through the sharing and scheduling of multi-terminal interoperable online teaching resources, which leads to the poor operational performance of the platform due to the lack of matching calculation of search terms and teaching resources. In this regard, the design of online teaching platform for logistics and transportation based on virtual simulation technology is proposed. The SATA controller is selected as the hardware core to design the course resource database. And the virtual simulation program is used to convert the course data format, calculate the matching degree between the search terms and teaching resources, and realize the intelligent search of teaching resources. In the experiment, the operational performance of the proposed teaching platform is verified. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the online teaching platform constructed by the proposed method has a shorter average response time and a more excellent operation performance.

  • Keyword: virtual simulation technology; logistics and transportation; online teaching platform; platform database; virtual simulation program.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090314
  • Citation form: Wu Xiangfeng.Online teaching platform design of logistics and transportation based on virtual simulation technology [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.61-66


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