location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1 > Recommended study on the knowledge blind area of the online learning system

2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1

  • Title: Recommended study on the knowledge blind area of the online learning system
  • Name: ZhuShiYu,RanChengHao,YangYi,ZhangTao,TongTao,ZhangRu
  • Company: (Chongqing Institute of Engineering,Chongqing 400000 China)
  • Abstract:

    This paper aims to study the knowledge blind spot recommendation framework of online learning system. This paper analyzes the current situation of online learning, portraits the students, and uses the timing model and recommendation model to realize the knowledge blind area recommendation. The experiment proves that this method can be effectively recommended for students and provide automatic interaction for online learning system.

  • Keyword: online learning, timing model, recommendation model, knowledge blind area
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090319
  • Citation form: ZhuShiYu.Recommended study on the knowledge blind area of the online learning system [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.84-86


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