location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1 > Approaches to the construction of Hainan fishermen's history archives in the context of big data

2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1

  • Title: Approaches to the construction of Hainan fishermen's history archives in the context of big data
  • Name: Huajing chao
  • Company: (University Of Sanyaschool Of Humanities And Communication Sanya Hainan 572022,China)
  • Abstract:

    The current method of building the history of fishermen in Hainan has the problem of occupying too much CPU occupancy, for this reason, a method of building the history of fishermen in Hainan in the context of big data is designed. Extracting the development characteristics of fishermen's history, deriving the specific expression formula of linear econometric equations by taking logarithms on both sides, constructing a functional model of Hainan fishery production, obtaining Web reference analysis of linked data HTTP URIs, HTTP URIs used as a bridge, and designing archival construction methods in the context of big data. Experimental results: The mean value of CPU occupancy for the construction method of the Hainan fishermen's history archive in the paper was 34.511%, indicating that this design of the construction method of the Hainan fishermen's history archive is more effective.

  • Keyword: big data; Hainan fishermen; archive construction; fisheries production; fisheries trade; boat-dwelling people;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090323
  • Citation form: Huajing chao.Approaches to the construction of Hainan fishermen's history archives in the context of big data [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.98-103


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