location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1 > Research on the design and implementation of J2EE-based web-based teaching system

2023 Vol.6 Feb.No1

  • Title: Research on the design and implementation of J2EE-based web-based teaching system
  • Name: Lin Han
  • Company: (Nanchang JiaoTong Institute,Nanchang,Jiangxi,330100,China)
  • Abstract:

    At present, the traditional online teaching system mainly relies on big data visualization technology to build teaching cognitive model, but there is a slow system operation. In response, a J2EE-based web-based teaching system design is proposed. Combining the way of interactive music teaching, the neuron model and J2EE algorithm are established to determine the way of music learning sessions, and the functional modules of the system are designed. In the experiments, the operational performance of the proposed system is verified. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the proposed method is used to build a web-based teaching system with a short response time of the teaching module and a more excellent operational performance.

  • Keyword: J2EE; web-based teaching; system design; music education; interactive systems.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090325
  • Citation form: Lin Han.Research on the design and implementation of J2EE-based web-based teaching system [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.109-114


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