location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Apr.N0.2 > Fault detection method of modular multilevel converter based on laser scanning

2023 Vol.6 Apr.N0.2

  • Title: Fault detection method of modular multilevel converter based on laser scanning
  • Name: Martinson Daniel
  • Company: InterAmerican University,USA
  • Abstract:

    The faults of modular multilevel converter include IGBT fault, freewheeling diode fault, capacitor fault and trigger control fault. In order to improve the fault detection capability of modular multilevel converter, a fault detection method of modular multilevel converter based on laser scanning is proposed. A series of researches have been carried out on the key technical problems in case of OC failure of the switch. Starting from the fault tolerance measures of the switch failure and the neutral point voltage balance after the failure, based on the topology and mathematical model of the T-type three-level converter, laser scanning and modular control of the fault tolerant operation state of the converter under the failure condition have been carried out. By analyzing the relationship between the output level and the current flow direction of the converter when different switches are turned on under normal working conditions, the relevant mathematical model is given. The fault sample eigenvalues of the modular multilevel converter are extracted. The energy fusion method is used to separate the fault characteristics of the modular multilevel converter. The multi-scale wavelet reconstruction technology is used to obtain the fault detection characteristics of the modular multilevel converter. The fault detection of the modular multilevel converter is realized according to the laser scanning results. The correctness and timeliness of the diagnosis method are verified by simulation analysis for different faults. The test results show that the accuracy of the method for fault detection of modular multilevel converter is high, ensuring the correctness and feasibility of the fault tolerance scheme of multilevel converter.

  • Keyword: Laser scanning; Modularization; Multilevel; Converter; Fault detection; T-type circuit
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090402
  • Citation form: Martinson Daniel .Fault detection method of modular multilevel converter based on laser scanning [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.6-13

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