location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3 > Design and implementation of a distance-assisted teaching system for music in colleges and universities based on J2EE hierarchic

2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3

  • Title: Design and implementation of a distance-assisted teaching system for music in colleges and universities based on J2EE hierarchic
  • Name: Lin Han
  • Company: Nanchang JiaoTong Institute,Nanchang,Jiangxi,330100,China
  • Abstract:

    The current traditional distance-assisted teaching system has a limited scope of assistance, resulting in low teaching efficiency. In this regard, the design of a university music distance-assisted teaching system based on J2EE layered thinking is proposed. The situation of slower operation. In response, the design of J2EE-based web-based teaching system is proposed. A 3D scanner-assisted modeling is added to the system to build a three-dimensional scene for teaching. The database as well as the functional structure of the teaching system is designed. In the experiments, the proposed system is verified for teaching efficiency. The analysis of the experimental results shows that the proposed method is used to build a teaching aid system with high teaching efficiency and better teaching aid capability.

  • Keyword: J2EE; music courses; system design; teaching aids.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090505
  • Citation form: Lin Han.Design and implementation of a distance-assisted teaching system for music in colleges and universities based on J2EE hierarchical thinking [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.30-35


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