location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3 > Research on adaptive control method for rope-driven robotic arm motion

2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3

  • Title: Research on adaptive control method for rope-driven robotic arm motion
  • Name: Shihua Xiao,Wenjing Yang,Simaoli Chen
  • Company: Jingdezhen Vocational University of Art,Jingdezhen,Jiangxi,333000,China
  • Abstract:

    The current conventional rope-driven robotic arm motion control method mainly obtains the motion state of the robotic arm model by estimating the control time delay, which leads to poor control effect due to the lack of coupling analysis of the robotic arm motion state. In this regard, the rope-driven robotic arm motion adaptive control method is proposed. The adaptive sliding mode control algorithm is used to design the structure of the adaptive controller and decouple the robot arm joint motion states, construct the motion control objective function, and solve it using genetic algorithm. In the experiment, the proposed method is verified for the control effect of the robot arm motion trajectory. The experimental results show that the joint tracking error value is low when the proposed method is used to control the robotic arm, and it has a more ideal control effect.

  • Keyword: genetic algorithm; humanoid robotic arm; adaptive controller; tracking error.
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090511
  • Citation form: Shihua Xiao.Research on adaptive control method for rope-driven robotic arm motion [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.58-63


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