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2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3

  • Title: Research on tort liability of self driving vehicle
  • Name: Ang Xuan
  • Company: Dalian Ocean University, Dalian,116021 China
  • Abstract:

    The rapid progress of semiconductor technology has brought autonomous vehicles into our life. But self-driving cars do not have absolute safety. There are still lots of accidents in the test of simulation software and practical application. In the face of traffic accidents caused by self-driving cars, the existing laws will produce problems such as confusion of the subject of responsibility. By redefining the responsibility of the motor vehicle party and improving the product liability, we can solve the problem of the subject of responsibility and the principle of attribution, and improve the supporting measures to better ensure the operation of autonomous vehicles, realize the protection of the rights relief of the infringed and promote the development of science and technology.

  • Keyword: Self Driving Car; Artificial Intelligence; Traffic Accident Liability; Product Liability;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090512
  • Citation form: Ang Xuan.Research on tort liability of self driving vehicle [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.64-67

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