location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3 > Innovative design method of art images based on the integration of visual communication elements

2023 Vol.6 Jun. N0.3

  • Title: Innovative design method of art images based on the integration of visual communication elements
  • Name: Huangyuying Zheng
  • Company: Sichuan University of Media and Communications,chengdu 611745,china
  • Abstract:

    The current conventional art image design method mainly generates art images by using computer technology, which leads to poor visual communication effects due to the lack of effective extraction of art image features. In this regard, an innovative design method for art images based on the integration of visual communication elements is proposed. The grayscale and detail characteristics of the image are analyzed by wavelet transform, and then the grayscale projection method is used to extract the art image feature information, and the image data set is grayed out and suitably binarized, and finally the three-channel art image is used as the input to build the art image generation network structure. In the experiments, the proposed method is tested for visual communication effects. The experimental results show that the visual communication success rate of the generated art images by the proposed method is high and has a more desirable visual communication effect.

  • Keyword: visual communication; artistic images; graphic image design; image greyscaling;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090514
  • Citation form: Huangyuying Zheng.Innovative design method of art images based on the integration of visual communication elements [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.71-75


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