location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04 > Data Removal Algorithm for Non-target Indicator Evaluation of Distance Education Quality in Tourism Management

2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04

  • Title: Data Removal Algorithm for Non-target Indicator Evaluation of Distance Education Quality in Tourism Management
  • Name: Mary Plicht
  • Company: ArmstrongUniversity,USA
  • Abstract:

    There are many problems in the evaluation of the quality of distance education of tourism management courses, such as large error in the evaluation of the results, weak correlation of the indicator data and large cost of evaluation time. Therefore, a data removal algorithm for the evaluation of non-target indicators of the quality of distance education in tourism management specialty is proposed. The key indicators and secondary indicators of distance education for tourism management students are collected through the regional clustering algorithm, and the European distance between the indicator data is calculated by using the difference degree of indicators to achieve the screening of distance education student evaluation indicators. Set the distance teachers' teaching content, teaching professionalism and teaching effect of the distance teachers' indicators, and use naive Bayes to screen the final distance teachers' teaching evaluation indicators of tourism management professional courses. BP neural network method is used to construct the data removal model of non-target indicators. The model is solved by particle swarm optimization algorithm to remove the non-target indicator data in the screening student indicators and teacher indicators. The experimental results show that the proposed method can quickly remove the evaluation data of non-target indicators of distance education quality of tourism management specialty, reduce the error of distance education quality evaluation results, and the evaluation speed is faster.

  • Keyword: BP neural network; Professional courses of tourism management; Distance learning; Quality assessment; Regional clustering; Data removal
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090601
  • Citation form: Mary Plicht.Data Removal Algorithm for Non-target Indicator Evaluation of Distance Education Quality in Tourism Management [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.1-7

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