location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04 > Laser scanning technology based on asphalt road leveling inspection method

2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04

  • Title: Laser scanning technology based on asphalt road leveling inspection method
  • Name: Qinghua Fan,Jian Shen
  • Company: Jilin Communications Polytechnic,Changchun,130012 China
  • Abstract:

    The current conventional asphalt road levelness inspection method is mainly by directly measuring the longitudinal section of the road surface and outputting the pavement levelness according to the longitudinal section curve, which leads to poor inspection accuracy due to the lack of compensation analysis of the levelness. In this regard, the asphalt road levelness inspection method based on laser scanning technology is proposed. Laser scanning technology is used to obtain asphalt road point cloud data, and pre-processing work such as denoising, aligning and sampling is performed on the point cloud data. Then the structure of the inspection equipment is designed, and the road levelness coefficient is calculated, and the offset angle deviation is combined with the compensation correction process for the calculation results of asphalt road levelness. In the experiment, the proposed method is verified for the road levelness detection accuracy. The experimental results show that when the proposed method is used for levelness testing of asphalt roads, the levelness testing error is small and has a more desirable testing accuracy.

  • Keyword: laser scanning technology; asphalt roads; flatness inspection; point cloud technology;
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090605
  • Citation form: Qinghua Fan.Laser scanning technology based on asphalt road leveling inspection method [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.20-24

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