location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04 > Application of BP NN algorithm in computer network security evaluation

2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04

  • Title: Application of BP NN algorithm in computer network security evaluation
  • Name: JianFeng Li
  • Company: Nanning Institute of Technology, NanNing 541002,China
  • Abstract:

    Computer network has been widely used in various fields, which brings development opportunities to social development and production technology. With the progress of computer network technology, its application scope has been expanded, the circulation of information has been strengthened, and resource sharing has been realized. However, due to the openness of the network, there have been threats such as viruses and loopholes, which are unavoidable computer network security (CNS) problems. In view of the problems of many kinds of safety evaluation indexes and strong nonlinear characteristics of each index in modern computer network, the traditional evaluation method has the problems of difficult operation and low accuracy. A computer network safety evaluation algorithm based on adaptive BP neural network (NN) is proposed. The real-time sharing of information makes computer technology more valuable and gives full play to the advantages of rapid information transmission. This paper studies the application of NN in CNS evaluation, and summarizes the concepts of CNS and NN. Some commonly used tools and software are used to scan and evaluate their networks, and to meet the security control requirements of the current rapid development of computer networks through the security evaluation methods with strong operability, wide application scope and less human interference.

  • Keyword: BP NN algorithm; Computer network; Safety evaluation
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090607
  • Citation form: JianFeng Li.Application of BP NN algorithm in computer network security evaluation [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.31-34

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