location:Home > 2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04 > The Expression and Innovation of Graphic Symbols in Visual Communication Design

2023 Vol.6 Aug.N04

  • Title: The Expression and Innovation of Graphic Symbols in Visual Communication Design
  • Name: Mengyao Zheng
  • Company: Yonsei university,  03722 Seoul
  • Abstract:

    Modern spiritual life is full of a variety of graphic symbols, cognitive symbols and visual thinking symbols, etc., in people's material and spiritual life increasingly rich today, the surrounding goods and works image is difficult to meet the spiritual needs, consumers aesthetic vision has become more picky, but also brought more demands and challenges to the industry. In such an environment, how to make the audience remember the design works under the shifty media form has become the bottleneck of contemporary VISUAL DESIGN. In view of this, this paper takes VISUAL DESIGN and the connotation of image symbols as the entry point, and finds that graphic symbols have great commercial value and social significance for VISUAL DESIGN through the analysis of the expression of image symbols in VISUAL DESIGN. And through the "endobiology" and "externalization" application design of graphic symbols in VISUAL DESIGN, help designers to create design works with distinctive style and long vitality. Finally, through the case analysis of the product "Only this green - Aromatherapy humidifier", it is proved that through the "endogenic" design of graphic symbols, we can better master the design methods and applications of the current popular graphic symbols, so as to design more popular design works in line with the trend of the times.

  • Keyword: graphical symbols; VISUAL DESIGN; Design innovation;Endobiochemistry; Externalization
  • DOI: 10.12250/jpciams2023090613
  • Citation form: Mengyao Zheng .The Expression and Innovation of Graphic Symbols in Visual Communication Design [J]. Computer Informatization and Mechanical System,2023,Vol.6,pp.60-63

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